THIRTY-FIRST TALK 633 standpoint of curiosity, but because we want "to help them all. We are all of us, I hope, putting before us, as our greatest cfbject in life, the idea of service in one way or another. There are many ways in which we can serve, but all demand a certain amount of comprehension of people differing from ourselves and a vast amount of tolerant sympathy with them. W&en people want to gush, well, let them. Stand there, and let the rain come down on you; look as if you liked it so far as you conveniently can. And when you find people who are cold and intellectual you must make allowance for them also. It is not that they have no feeling, but their feeling lies so deep that they cannot show it on the surface. We have to free ourselves from the superstition that our way is the only way. People who are so familiar with the Deity are certainly trying to other people who feel a deep reverence for the Deity. There are people who are sure what He means and how He regards their little family quarrels and so on^-w^ll, for them I suppose it is all right; it \^ould not be for me. The Master speaks here of the superstition that animals should be sacrificed. It is unfortunate that the idea has come on to modern times, because it does belong to an earlier stage in history altogether. We oughj; to be perfectly clear as to that, and I am quite sure that every one of you, if you saw anyone trying to sacrifice* an animal, would come forward and protest at once against it. But because animal sacrifice is